Photoshop Projects
Not necessarily professional work but projects to keep my skills in check.
Parody covers of the Animorphs series w/ my friends on them.
Animorphs Bryanna & Michael - Photoshop Editor
Picture replacement of one that my friend was holding.
Blake's Picture- Photoshop Editor
Thumbnail recreation for when my friend made a Terraria video.
Frankie Makes Bank - Photoshop Editor
Added a friend into a group photo.
The Real Friendsgiving - Photoshop Editor
Cropped in and removed the person behind me.
Coke Pose (Edited) - Photoshop Editor
Replaced The Rock with my friend on a wrestling doc poster.
Loza Made It - Photoshop Editor
Replaced subject and text elements for a pardoy politcal image.
Michael Will Get It Done - Photoshop Editor
Recreated the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood poster and created an iPhone wallpaper variant.
Once Upon a time in Chaffey College - Photoshop Editor